Africa Educational Trust

88, Kingsway, London, WC2B 6AA


Our Mission

Africa Educational Trust is an internationally recognised expert in the field of education. We bring education solutions to the most severely disadvantaged in fragile, conflicted and post-conflict regions of Africa.

We believe that providing education, giving people hope and the means to take charge of their lives brings understanding and change. We have seen that by challenging the local norms which may be detrimental to sections of society, particularly where women and girls are concerned, a new level of peace and stability can be built by the communities.

How we do it

We believe in local solutions with local teams. We currently work in Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda and Kenya. Our approach of only employing local staff in the field enables us to negotiate the complex political arenas in times of high insecurity and conflict.

We don’t shy away from complex or dangerous environments; in fact, this is often when our work is most sorely needed. Last year, when many international agencies left, AET continued to operate in South Sudan. We worked to provide secondary education to women and girls, teacher training and accreditation to rural teachers and operated on behalf of international agencies, such as UNICEF, to undertake assessment of the impact of civil war and climatic crisis on the formal education sector.

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